Frequently Asked Questions | Dumpsters on Wheelz

Step 1: Book your dumpster online or call 980-277-0327 and we will book it together. 

Step 2: We will deliver the dumpster on the day you requested. Deliveries are normally completed by noon unless you specifically request a different delivery time. We work on your schedule as much as possible.

Step 3: You load the dumpster.

Step 4: We will pick up the dumpster on the predetermined day. Feel free to call or text 980-277-0327, if you finish loading the dumpster earlier than the pick-up date and we will work as quickly as possible to retrieve the dumpster and take it to the recycling/landfill center.

Yes, but the dump charges $25 per mattress, Dumpsters on Wheelz does not increase this fee, but we must pass this charge on to you. Please alert us if you are disposing of mattresses when booking the order. Online you can enter this information in the Important Information area of the order.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us any time at: 919-890-3155

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